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The President of the ZdK observes the liberal fundamental order facing stress.

The Central Committee of German Catholics convenes for its plenary meeting a day before the Katholikentag starts in Erfurt, discussing political matters as well.

Irme Stetter-Karp, Präsidentin des Zentralkomitees der deutschen Katholiken (ZdK), spricht in...
Irme Stetter-Karp, Präsidentin des Zentralkomitees der deutschen Katholiken (ZdK), spricht in einer Pressekonferenz zum Programm des 103. Deutschen Katholikentags im Augustinerkloster.

Religious institution - The President of the ZdK observes the liberal fundamental order facing stress.

Irme Stetter-Karp, the president of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), expressed worries about the approaching 2024 election year. During a gathering in Erfurt on Tuesday, she stated, "I'm deeply concerned that the liberal order in Europe and among us is facing pressure." The gathering of Catholic laypeople, organized by ZdK, is set to continue for two days. The upcoming municipal elections, three state elections, and European election will serve as a test of strength, she added. According to Stetter-Karp, democracy and fair elections are no longer taken for granted and require active protection and defense.

Regarding the far-right party, the AfD, Stetter-Karp reaffirmed that its members would not be granted a stage at the Catholic Day, starting on Wednesday in Erfurt. Despite this, attempts will be made to connect with voters and those voting for the AfD. Last year, ZdK announced their stance that a primary and honorary position in the church couldn't be held simultaneously with AfD membership.

The ZdK statute is undergoing revisions, according to Stetter-Karp. Instead of mentioning parties such as the AfD explicitly, exclusions will be based on values. During the full assembly of ZdK, participants will tackle various issues like the social context before the European elections and state elections in Brandenburg, Thuringia, and Saxony. They will also discuss peace ethics during wartime and the ongoing reform process within the Catholic Church.

Read also:

  1. Stetter-Karp also voiced her concerns about the participation of the AfD in the upcoming European elections, given their opposition to the liberal order and democracy.
  2. In the midst of these challenges, the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) is revising its statute, shifting from explicit party mentions to value-based exclusions.
  3. During the European elections, issues such as the social context and peace ethics during wartime will be discussed at the ZdK full assembly, which will also tackle state elections in Germany, including those in Thuringia and Brandenburg.
  4. Irme Stetter-Karp emphasized that the ZdK would not provide a platform for AfD members during the Catholic Day events, but they are committed to engaging with voters who support the party.
  5. The President of the ZdK, Stetter-Karp, expressed her worries about the liberal order in Europe and Germany, particularly during the 2024 election year, when a series of important elections, including European elections, will test the strength of democracy.


