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The Office that Defends the Constitution expresses concerns about a potential increase in risk from Islamists.

Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution identifies risks posed by violent Islamists, one being a Chechen-originated group in Brandenburg. Authorities work to prevent further radicalization.

Brandenburg's Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) at a press conference.
Brandenburg's Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) at a press conference.

Governance - The Office that Defends the Constitution expresses concerns about a potential increase in risk from Islamists.

The Constitutional Protection Agency (Verfassungsschutz) is wary of the radicalization of Islamists in Brandenburg, particularly those hailing from the North Caucasus. These individuals often practice extreme Jihadism, a radical form of Islamism. The security organization intends to closely examine and supervise the "Islamist North Caucasian Scene" (INS) in the future to prevent potential attacks.

In recent news, France managed to abolish plans for an Islamic terrorist attack on a soccer game during the summer Olympics, while an 18-year-old Chechen was apprehended.

The previous year, a 16-year-old Chechen was detained in Wittstock/Dosse due to allegations of planning a terrorist attack on a Christmas market through the internet. There have also been reports of friction in Neuruppin, Prenzlau, Cottbus, and the Dahme-Sperrwald district. This scene is considered to be well-connected locally but isolated nationally.

Salafist online preachers are starting to have a significant impact on young followers, as the Interior Ministry in Potsdam stated on Monday. "This could lead to an unchecked dynamic radicalization," remarked Verfassungsschutz chief Jörg Müller. "Through 'Islamic influencers,' we must reckon with an increasing number of people in Brandenburg who are affected by these Islamists." Additionally, the regime surrounding the Kremlin-loyal Chechen strongman Ramzan Kadyrov is attempting to wield influence.

The Islamist North Caucasian Scene is considered a crucial component of Islamic extremists in general, with the Interior Ministry acknowledging that their numbers have peaked at 220 individuals. Salafism and Jihadism serve as the intellectual foundation for the rapid radicalization of certain individuals, it was stated. A particularly perilous Jihadist group is the terrorist militia Islamic State (IS).

Berlin-Brandenburg's Interior Minister, Michael Stübgen (CDU), remarked: "We urgently need to respond to the presence of highly radicalized North Caucasian Islamists in Brandenburg." Verfassungsschutz estimates that there are approximately 16,000 Chechens in Berlin-Brandenburg, and around 80 of them belong to the Islamist scene.

Loner terrorists pose a significant challenge for security agencies, according to Stübgen. "They are dangerous, challenging to identify, and can cause extensive damage." Deporting serious criminals is necessary but inadequate.

"Our efforts need to focus on in-depth analysis of the Islamic communities. By pinpointing the environments of potential perpetrators at an early stage, we can participate in preventing serious crimes through preventative measures," Stübgen expressed.

As a consequence of past events, the Verfassungsschutz has devised an analysis method comprising eight danger factors to help evaluate Islamists.

"We won't be able to remove 80 people from the scene, but maybe we can prevent it from expanding to 160," stated Verfassungsschutz chief Müller.

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