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The Maldives propose to prohibit Israelis from entering the nation.

Response to the conflict in Gaza

Israeli citizens should no longer be allowed to enjoy the picturesque view of the Maldives.
Israeli citizens should no longer be allowed to enjoy the picturesque view of the Maldives.

The Maldives propose to prohibit Israelis from entering the nation.

The Maldives is a popular destination for holidays, with approximately 11,000 Israelis enjoying its beauty each year. However, it might be their last time visiting this paradise island nation. The Maldivian government plans to prohibit Israeli citizens from entering the country due to Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip.

The President Mohamed Muizzu has made this decision, and the necessary amendments to the laws will be made to implement the ban. The Cabinet has recommended this action to the president, who has agreed. The Interior Minister, Ali Ihusaan, has informed the media that the ban is set to take effect as soon as possible.

In addition, the Maldives' president has appointed a special envoy to assess the requirements of the Palestinian people. He also intends to gather donations for the Palestinians living in the Palestinian territories through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The Israeli Foreign Ministry has advised its citizens to avoid traveling to the Maldives, which is famous for its luxurious hotels, pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant coral reefs. The ministry's spokesperson, Oren Marmorstein, urged all Israelis not to go to the Maldives. This warning also includes those who hold a second passport.

Prior to this, Israel had warned its citizens against visiting the Maldives in December, citing anti-Israeli sentiment during the war between Israel and Gaza. While the two nations do not have full-fledged diplomatic relations, Israeli tourists were still allowed entry to the Maldives. According to official Maldivian statistics, 10,942 Israelis visited the Maldives last year, accounting for 0.6% of the total number of tourists.

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