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The Katholikentag in Erfurt welcomes Foreign Minister Baerbock's visit.

Federal political figures, including the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and a notable activist, have all expressed their intent to attend the Katholikentag on Saturday.

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Religious institution being discussed - The Katholikentag in Erfurt welcomes Foreign Minister Baerbock's visit.

Prior to the culmination of the 103rd Catholic Day, a group of federal politicians are anticipated to join the Faith Encounter. One of these scheduled occasions is a conversation between Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock from the Greens and the Secretary General of the Central Committee of German Catholics, Marc Frings, set for Saturday at 6:30 pm. Apart from them, Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze from the SPD and Family Minister Lisa Paus from the Greens have stated that they will be present, as well as climate advocate Luisa Neubauer.

On the previous day, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz from the SPD and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck from the Greens had previously served as guests. But Scholz's visit was disrupted by the protest group Letzte Generation.

Scheduled to take place in Erfurt, the Catholic Day commenced on Wednesday and is being organized by the ZdK. The ZdK anticipates that around 20,000 individuals will attend by its conclusion. This event is commonly regarded as a significant gathering for Catholic laypeople in Germany, addressing a wide range of subjects including church and social concerns. The German Bishops' Conference estimates that there are approximately 21 million Catholics in Germany, which translates to around 25% of the overall population. In comparison, the percentage of Catholics in Erfurt and Eastern Germany is significantly lower.

Check out this link for more details. Here's a link to the program.

Read also:

  1. Annalena Baerbock, the Green Party's Foreign Minister, is set to participate in the Catholic Day in Erfurt, scheduled to have a discussion with Marc Frings, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of German Catholics.
  2. Despite the disruption caused by the protest group Letzte Generation during Olaf Scholz's visit, the SPD Chancellor previously attended the Catholic Day in Erfurt, which is being organized by the ZdK.
  3. The Catholic Day in Erfurt, starting on Wednesday, is expected to draw around 20,000 attendees, making it a significant gathering for Catholic laypeople in Germany, focusing on church and social concerns.
  4. Olaf Scholz, the SPD's Federal Chancellor, and Robert Habeck, the Greens' Vice Chancellor, participated in the Catholic Day in previous years, despite being met with protests in some instances.



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