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The Israeli army liberates four Hamas captives in the Gaza Strip.

Massive search and rescue mission underway.

The Israeli army says it is carrying out a "complex" liberation operation in Nuseirat in the center...
The Israeli army says it is carrying out a "complex" liberation operation in Nuseirat in the center of the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli army liberates four Hamas captives in the Gaza Strip.

Israel has announced the release of four hostages who were kidnapped by the militant-Islamist group Hamas on October 7th. A young woman and three men, said to all be in good health, have been taken to a hospital.

The Israeli security forces are reported to have executed a successful hostage rescue operation within the Gaza Strip. These individuals, identified as a 25-year-old woman and three men aged 21, 27, and 40, were taken from two separate locations in the Nuseirat refugee camp. The Israeli army had mentioned their intention to strike back at terrorist infrastructure in the region prior to this event. This mission stands as the largest hostage rescue operation since the onset of the Gaza War.

The four Israelis were believed to have been taken captive by Hamas during massive attacks that occurred on October 7th. They attended a music festival in the southern region of Israel when they were captured, and later used as bargaining chips in the war. The freed captives are identified as Noa Argamani, 25; Almog Meir Jan, 21; Andrey Kozlov, 27; and Schlomi Ziv, 40.

During the attack on October 7th, over 250 people were kidnapped into the Gaza Strip by terrorists from Hamas and other extremist militant groups. A tragic incident with over 1000 fatalities was the driving force behind the start of the Gaza War. There are concerns that most, if not all, of the approximately 120 hostages remaining in Gaza Strip captivity may be deceased.

Noa Argamani's release has touched the hearts of many in Israel. Her pleas for assistance while being held captive on a motorcycle emotionally resonated with the nation. Her mother is battling cancer in its final stages, and Mrs. Argamani had repeatedly requested one final opportunity to see her daughter before her untimely passing. "We are glad you're safe and sound," said the Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant, commending the bravery of those who carried out the rescue mission.

Following the release of these four hostages from Israel, close to 50 deaths and countless injuries were reported in attacks on the Nuseirat refugee camp and the city of Deir al-Balah. Medical resources in the Gaza Strip are now dealing with the aftermath of these military operations. Details remain unclear as to whether all of these deaths occurred during the army's efforts to retrieve the hostages.

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