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The AfD party is experiencing growing support for upcoming state elections in the eastern region of Germany.

The AfD feels confident after the European elections and is now focusing on upcoming state elections in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg, which will take place in the fall.

Partially drunk glasses can be seen at the election party at the AfD party headquarters during the...
Partially drunk glasses can be seen at the election party at the AfD party headquarters during the European elections.

Upcoming European elections - The AfD party is experiencing growing support for upcoming state elections in the eastern region of Germany.

The AfD feels encouraged by their success in the European election, which they believe will translate into electoral momentum for the upcoming state elections in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg. "There's no more tailwind against us now," AfD co-leader Tino Chrupalla told the German Press Agency in Berlin on Sunday, referring to the upcoming voting in September. "If we finish second in the European election as the AfD, that's a spectacular achievement for us," he continued.

Chrupalla disagreed with CDU leader Friedrich Merz's claim that the AfD's peak had passed. Merz had earlier proposed reducing the AfD by half and waiting for the elections in the eastern states, according to Chrupalla. "I'd be very cautious with those types of comments if I were in Mr. Merz's shoes," he advised.

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