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Supporters of Sahra Wagenknecht found association

An association has been founded in Sonneberg in southern Thuringia to support the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW). The 18 founding members include former SPD and Linke members, a spokesperson for the association told the German Press Agency in Erfurt. The spokesperson announced that a district...

Sahra Wagenknecht, Member of the Bundestag, gives a press conference to mark the formation of
Sahra Wagenknecht, Member of the Bundestag, gives a press conference to mark the formation of the group "Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - For Reason and Justice".

Parties - Supporters of Sahra Wagenknecht found association

An association to support the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) has been founded in Sonneberg in southern Thuringia. The 18 founding members include former SPD and Linke members, a spokesperson for the association told the German Press Agency in Erfurt. The spokesperson announced that a district association would be formed soon after the planned party foundation in January. There are also plans to run in the local elections in Thuringia next year in the town of Sonneberg and the district.

Jürgen Reiche was elected chairman of the supporters' association. Peter End was elected as deputy, Brigitte Matthes as assessor and René Hähnlein as second assessor and press spokesperson. Leon Fellmann was elected treasurer.

According to the information provided, a citizens' office is to be opened at the end of January.

Long-time Left Party politician Sahra Wagenknecht left the party in October with nine members of the Bundestag to found a rival project. Initially organized as an association, the "Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance" is to formally become a party on 8 January.

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