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Storms and rain forecast in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland areas.

The first weekend of June comes with rain and violent storms, prompting a severe weather warning.

A windsock blows in the wind in stormy weather.
A windsock blows in the wind in stormy weather.

Deutscher Wetterdienst's Latest Updates on Metric - Storms and rain forecast in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland areas.

Over the next few days, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland residents can expect stormy and rainy weather. The German Meteorological Service (DWD) has even issued a thunderstorm alert. On Saturday, expect cloudy skies with showers and occasional afternoon and evening thunderstorms. The winds could be quite strong, reaching speeds of 60 to 70 km/h. Temperatures will range from 16 to 19 degrees.

The night of Saturday to Sunday might see temperatures drop to as low as 10 degrees, especially in the Palatinate region. There's a chance of local thunderstorms with heavy rainfall. Additionally, there's a possibility of strong gusts and hail as well. For Sunday, the DWD predicts showers, rain, and the occasional thunderstorm. These showers will move towards the south as the day progresses. The DWD anticipates temperatures ranging from 18 to 21 degrees.

Later in the week, the weather will be much drier. The DWD states that the rain will gradually stop, perhaps leaving only light to moderate northwest winds with daytime temperatures between 18 and 21 degrees.

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