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Spessart biosphere region - Clear criticism of Aiwanger

Bavaria's Minister of Economic Affairs faces headwinds from Lower Franconia. Statements on the subject of the Spessart biosphere region are causing great displeasure - and an unusually clear reaction.

Local politicians are outraged by statements made by Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger on the...
Local politicians are outraged by statements made by Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger on the question of whether the Spessart should become a biosphere region. (archive picture)

Protest letter - Spessart biosphere region - Clear criticism of Aiwanger

In the discussion about a possible Biosphere region Spessart, several local politicians from Unterfranken have unusually clearly criticized Economy Minister Hubert Aiwanger. In an open letter, they accuse the Free Voter politician of a "completely undifferentiated viewpoint" and unsubstantial choice of words.

The letter was signed by the Chairwoman of the Main-Spessart District Council, Sabine Sitter (CSU), the District Councils of Aschaffenburg, Alexander Legler (CSU), and Miltenberg, Jens Marco Scherf (Greens), and the Mayor of Aschaffenburg, Jürgen Herzing (SPD).

The local politicians refer to remarks attributed to Aiwanger during a visit to the "Wir im Spessart" association in Rechtenbach at the end of June. According to a report in the "Main Echo," the Minister is said to have spoken of "stupidity," "naivety," and a "snaps idea" regarding the implementation of the Biosphere region. He reportedly also said that one should "not ride a dead horse any further." The local politicians accuse Aiwanger of not having dealt comprehensively with the issue so far and of not holding talks with the local and district organizations of his own party in the region.

Aiwanger is asked to answer some questions

In response, they pose a series of questions to the Minister. For example, whether he does not trust the elected representatives to decide "how we want to further develop our region." "How do you come to the conclusion that the project has already failed, although we are still in the middle of a democratic opinion-forming and decision-making process?"

Furthermore, it is stated in the letter that Aiwanger's task is to bring people together and hold them together, not to divide them. "Please therefore also stop with your hate speech towards city dwellers." This is disgraceful. "And please take note that we live in a region with an urban-rural character, in which city and country complement each other and enrich each other exceptionally," it says in the letter.

With the Biosphere region, a model region for sustainable living and economic activity in harmony with nature is to be created. Unlike a national park, it can be used significantly more economically by people, for example through the marketing of regional products and the promotion of sustainable tourism. Nature conservationists such as the Bavarian Bird Protection League (LBV) and the BUND support the idea.

  1. The Biosphere region Spessart, located in Lower Franconia, has sparked a heated debate, with politicians from Aschaffenburg and Miltenberg in Hesse critiquing Economy Minister Hubert Aiwanger from Bavaria.
  2. The Chairwoman of the Main-Spessart District Council, Sabine Sitter from the CSU, and other local representatives, including Alexander Legler and Jens Marco Scherf, have signed an open protest letter regarding Aiwanger's statements.
  3. The letter emphasizes Aiwanger's alleged "completely undifferentiated viewpoint" and "unsubstantial choice of words," citing remarks made during a visit to the "Wir im Spessart" association in Reichtenbach.
  4. The local politicians request that Aiwanger answer questions about his mistrust in elected representatives and his premature conclusion that the project has failed.
  5. They encourage Aiwanger to promote unity, saying, "Your task is to bring people together and hold them together, not to divide them."
  6. The Biospheric region aims to establish a model for sustainable living and economic activity in harmony with nature, supported by organizations like the Bavarian Bird Protection League (LBV) and BUND.
  7. The region, rich in nature, offers opportunities for significant economic use, such as marketing regional products and promoting sustainable tourism.
  8. Hubert Aiwanger's remarks about "stupidity," "naivety," and the "dead horse" have drawn criticism from politicians across the political spectrum, including the SPD's Mayor of Aschaffenburg, Jürgen Herzing.

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