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Sorb media seek to broaden choices for youth audience

The Sorbs aim to enhance their media options, particularly for youth. "Apart from the conventional advocacy of language and culture, we need to concentrate more on the future and broaden our digital offerings," Marko Schiemann, Chairman of the Parliamentary Consultative Council of the Sorbian...

Marko Schiemann, Chairman of the Parliamentary Advisory Board of the Foundation for the Sorbian...
Marko Schiemann, Chairman of the Parliamentary Advisory Board of the Foundation for the Sorbian People.

Governance and Power Struggles - Sorb media seek to broaden choices for youth audience

The primary focus of the fifth financing agreement for the foundation in 2026 revolved around supporting initiatives like learning programs and digital media offers in Upper Lusatia and Lower Lusatia. Additionally, promoting languages in the Witaj projects in Brandenburg and Saxony was crucial. Witaj, which translates to "Welcome" in Sorbian, signifies bilingual care and education in kindergartens and schools.

Schiemann stressed the importance of this new arrangement, stating that it would help secure the Sorbian language's future and facilitate its development. With the previous agreement, foundations were established to ensure the longevity of these projects. Subsequent generations should have the opportunity to continue shaping and preserving the Sorbian language and culture. As a result, proper funding for digital offerings must be prioritized, benefiting both learning and media projects for young people.

In 2021, the federal government and the states of Saxony and Brandenburg dedicated additional funding to the Sorbs through the Fourth Financing Agreement. This deal generated approximately 23.9 million euros per year - a significant yearly increase of 5.3 million euros compared to the previous financing period.

Institutions such as the Sorbian National Ensemble, the German-Sorbian People's Theater, and the Wendish Museum in Cottbus profited from these investments. With an estimated population of around 60,000, the Sorbian and Wendish communities reside primarily in Saxon Upper Lusatia and Brandenburg Lower Lusatia.

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