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Shipping company purchases ship for new Norderney ferry line

The shipping company Meine Fähre is expanding its fleet for another planned daily ferry service to the East Frisian island of Norderney. After some delay, the new ferry route is due to start in the spring, as the shipping company announced on Thursday. To this end, the company has already had a...

Ferry connection - Shipping company purchases ship for new Norderney ferry line

The shipping company Meine Fähre is expanding its fleet for another planned daily ferry service to the East Frisian island of Norderney. After some delay, the new ferry route is due to start in the spring, as the shipping company announced on Thursday. To this end, the company has already had a new, 50-meter-long passenger ship built in a shipyard in the Netherlands. In addition, the shipping company has now purchased a smaller passenger ferry, which will offer space for up to 50 passengers and is around 18 meters long.

"People from Norderney in particular have repeatedly asked us why we don't also offer a passenger ferry that complements the sailing times we have offered so far," said Frank Voss, Managing Partner of the shipping company. "We also considered that we can only offer a reliable scheduled service if we can also guarantee a certain level of back-up should our first ship not sail."

The shipping company is planning a scheduled service with four to five departures a day. Meine Fähre is backed by ten shareholders, including several Norderney hoteliers and a foundation.

Until now, the Norden-Frisia shipping company has already been transporting travelers to and from the East Frisian island with large passenger ferries from Norddeich in the district of Aurich.

Website My Ferry

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