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She was conspicuous by her absence from the TV debate

Donald alone in the studio: Former First Lady Melania Trump was conspicuous by her absence in the TV duel with Joe Biden. Not for the first time.

Melania Trump rarely appears at Donald Trump's side (picture from 2022).
Melania Trump rarely appears at Donald Trump's side (picture from 2022).

Melania Trump - She was conspicuous by her absence from the TV debate

The first TV debate between Challenger Donald Trump (78) and Incumbent Joe Biden (81) before the US Presidency election dominates the headlines in the United States. A question arose during this: Where was Melania Trump (54)? The wife of the former and possibly new President Trump was noticeably absent during the debate in Atlanta. Instead, Jill Biden (73) was seen before the broadcast at her husband's side. After the end of the TV confrontation, the First Lady even approached her husband's podium. Donald Trump left the studio alone.

With her absence, Melania Trump broke a long-standing tradition, as several American media pointed out. It has been customary for decades for partners and family members to accompany Presidential candidates to the eminently important TV debates in the US. This is supposed to demonstrate unity to the public.

Not the only campaign event Melania Trump missed

The debate was not the first significant event for her husband that Melania Trump missed. So she was neither present at the kickoff of his campaign nor at the celebration after Donald Trump's victory at Super Tuesday in the primary campaign.

When Melania Trump was asked about her conspicuous absence a few months ago, she only said "stay tuned." However, little has happened since then. She also remained absent during the process regarding the payment of a hush money to Stormy Daniels (45), a porn star, whom Donald Trump is alleged to have had an affair with shortly after his marriage, which he denies.

In public, the couple has only been seen together in the last few months at a few fundraising events and at the graduation party of their common son Barron (18) in May.

Rumors have it that Melania Trump, for the case of a second term for Donald Trump, reportedly has no great desire to move back into the White House in Washington D.C. These rumors do not necessarily demonstrate great unity in the Trump household.

  1. Despite her absence during the TV duel, Melania Trump broke a tradition that American media have pointed out for decades, as partners and family members usually attend these crucial events to demonstrate unity.
  2. The absence of Melania Trump was not a first during the US presidential election campaign, as she was also absent at her husband's campaign kickoff and his Super Tuesday victory celebration.
  3. When questioned about her absence from a significant event a few months ago, Melania Trump cryptically replied, "stay tuned." However, since then, she has continued to remain absent, including during the Stormy Daniels hush money case.
  4. In recent months, the public has only seen Melania Trump and Donald Trump together at a few fundraising events and at their son Barron's graduation party.
  5. Rumors suggest that Melania Trump may not have a strong desire to return to the White House if her husband, Donald Trump, wins another term, causing speculation about the unity within the Trump household.

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