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Sharp rise in expenditure per child in independent daycare centers

Independent daycare centers spent significantly more money on childcare per child in 2022 than in 2010. Expenditure increased by 59% without price adjustment, as the Federal Statistical Office announced in Wiesbaden on Thursday. On average, around 12,300 euros were spent per child. At 18,600...

Children in daycare
Children in daycare

Sharp rise in expenditure per child in independent daycare centers

In comparison to the previous survey in 2010, expenses have increased by approximately 70 percent. Private kindergartens spent 10.900 Euro per child from three years old until school entry. This represents an increase of nearly 50 percent.

Kindergartens in free ownership had zero revenue and expenditures in 2022. They paid out 27.7 billion Euro and took in roughly the same amount.

They spent the most, at 80 percent, on personnel. The cost for toys or consumable goods amounted to 18 percent. This included food costs of 970 million Euro. Two percent went towards investments.

The share of public funds in revenues rose from 74 percent in 2010 to nearly 80 percent in 2022, totaling 21.8 billion Euro. The share of state funding increased by ten percentage points to 31 percent, amounting to 8.6 billion Euro.

Municipalities contributed 12.7 billion Euro, which accounted for 46 percent. The federal government covered 2 percent. The share of private funds, such as parent contributions and the kindergartens' own funds, dropped from 26 percent to 20 percent, totaling 5.6 billion Euro.

  1. The statistical office, Destatis, based in Wiesbaden, reported that expenditure on daycare centers for children increased significantly since 2010.
  2. Despite having no revenue or expenditures in 2022, there are several daycare centers in Wiesbaden that receive sponsorship for their operations.
  3. Parents in Wiesbaden typically contribute towards the daycare center's expenditure, which constitutes a portion of the total expenditure on personnel, toys, consumable goods, and investments.
  4. To support the growth of daycare centers and ensure adequate daycare for children in Wiesbaden, the local government and certain organizations provide sponsorship for these essential facilities.

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