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Severe downpours and possibility of inundation imminent

Thuringia braces for a weekend of severe weather with nonstop rain, intense thunderstorms, and rising water levels. Some events have been called off by organizers.

A passer-by with an umbrella.
A passer-by with an umbrella.

Events called off - Severe downpours and possibility of inundation imminent

Thuringia braces for an extreme weather weekend with non-stop rain and powerful thunderstorms. Areas may receive up to 100 liters of rain per square meter, while some have a chance of even 140 liters. Eichsfeld might escape the heavy rainfall. Almost all rivers in the state will witness a rise, and flooding might occur.

The State Office for Environment, Mining, and Nature Conservation alerts that central, southern, and eastern Thuringia could experience heavy rainfall starting from Friday night until Monday. Authorities have created a team, informed municipalities and local water management services, and arranged extra storage space at dams to manage the water masses. Cancelations have been announced for some weekend events.

With strong thunderstorms come risks of lightning strikes, fallen trees, occasional flash floods in roads and underpasses, and hail. Drivers must be cautious of aquaplaning, warns Cathleen Hickmann from the German Weather Service. Rivers are already at capacity, and soils are unable to absorb more water.

The high water information center will be operational 24/7 to monitor and communicate the flood situation. Statewide alerts have been sent to the disaster control authorities, control centers, and water management organizations. They're also prepared to secure their facilities.

Thuringia's Environment Minister, Bernhard Stengele (Greens), highlights the communication between neighboring countries. He mentions the overlap of available storage space in dams. The Catholic Days organizers are ready to act depending on the situation - canceling or relocating open-air events. Participants will be alerted via the Catholic Days app. The Faith Festival, with over 20,000 visitors, is primarily held outdoors in the state capital.

Precautionary measures were taken for events planned over the weekend. These include a parade and the Brunnenfest in Bad Berka, a children's festival in Gotha, and a Thuringian Sports Association event at egapark in Erfurt. Over 700 participants were preparing for the event. In Zella-Mehlis, the Bike Area opening was postponed, while in Schmalkalden-Meiningen, a city cycling kick-off event was canceled. In Mühlhausen, the children's day bike festival was delayed. Erfurt cautions against visiting cemeteries or spending time in forests.

The Altenburger Land fire brigade is on alert. Some communities have already used sandbags, reports the Altenburg district administration. Officials advise keeping an eye on the weather and contacting municipal administrators if needed. The disaster control team can be contacted if necessary. District Administrator Uwe Melzer hopes that the Altenburger Land won't face any problems.

The DRK Water Rescue Service warns about the dangers of rising water levels in Thuringia. Rapid increases in water volumes can trap many, including children and animals. Slippery and eroded river banks also increase the chances of landslides. Avoid floodplains and meadows.

The Autobahn Police reported traffic accidents happening with the onset of rain on Thursday. One car overturned on the A4 near Sättelstädt in the direction of Frankfurt/Main, leaving the driver with minor injuries. On the A4, three vehicles crashed due to aquaplaning near Eisenach, slightly injuring three individuals. A directional lane in Frankfurt had to be closed for an hour for rescue and recovery.

Read also:

  1. Despite the threat of a thunderstorm and continuous rain, Cathleen Hickmann from the German Weather Service advises drivers to be cautious of aquaplaning during the weekend in Thuringia.
  2. The Catholic Days organizers are prepared to act depending on the situation, either cancelling or relocating open-air events due to the severe weather, potentially affecting the Faith Festival with over 20,000 visitors in Erfurt.
  3. Uwe Melzer, the District Administrator of Altenburger Land, hopes that their region will avoid any problems during the extreme weather weekend, as some communities have already used sandbags to help protect against potential flooding.
  4. The Autobahn Police reported traffic accidents happening with the onset of rain in Thuringia, including a car overturning and three vehicles crashing due to aquaplaning.
  5. The DRK Water Rescue Service warns about the dangers of rising water levels during the imminent thunderstorm, advising individuals to avoid floodplains and meadows due to the risk of landslides and trapped children and animals.
  6. With areas in Thuringia expected to receive up to 100 liters of rain per square meter, the State Office for Environment, Mining, and Nature Conservation has warned central, southern, and eastern Thuringia of potential heavy rainfall beginning Friday night and ending Monday.
  7. Authorities in Thuringia have established a team to manage the expected water masses, informing municipalities and local water management services, and arranging extra storage space at dams to help mitigate the flood risk.
  8. East Thuringia might escape the heavy rainfall, but almost all rivers in the state will witness a rise, with flooding possible, especially in areas with a higher flood risk, such as Erfurt and Eichsfeld.




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