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Several thousand participants in "city-state strike"

Public sector employees in Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen are on strike. They want more money and better working conditions. The ongoing wage negotiations have not yet produced any results.

"Justice" - Participants march through Hamburg's Mönckebergstraße during the "city-state strike"
"Justice" - Participants march through Hamburg's Mönckebergstraße during the "city-state strike"

Several thousand participants in "city-state strike"

In the city states of Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen, thousands of public sector employees have gone on strike and at least disrupted operations in schools, daycare centers and administrative offices. According to the unions, around 10,000 state employees took part in the warning strike in Berlin alone. In Hamburg, there were up to 6,500, while Bremen has not yet provided any figures.

Many of them marched to the Brandenburg Gate in the capital to demand better working conditions and better pay. Among them were teachers, educators from daycare centers and schools, employees from senate and district administrations and from various offices, firefighters and police employees. Classes were canceled at many schools, daycare centers remained closed and some public offices only worked to a limited extent. "It is very clear that our colleagues expect something, because otherwise they will no longer be able to live in the city where they work," said a Verdi spokesperson on the sidelines of the demonstration.

The background to this is the collective bargaining for the public sector in the federal states. Two rounds of nationwide negotiations have so far failed to produce an agreement. "The federal states have not presented an offer in two rounds of negotiations. This is disrespectful towards the employees," explained Andrea Kühnemann, Verdi regional director for Berlin-Brandenburg.

Among other things, the unions are demanding 10.5 percent more money, but at least 500 euros per month for a period of twelve months. The unions are also demanding a city-state bonus of 300 euros for Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen. The next round of negotiations is scheduled for December 7 and 8 in Potsdam.

  1. The trade unions are demanding a city-state bonus of 300 euros for employees in Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen as part of their collective bargaining negotiations.
  2. The strike by public sector employees in Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen has led to the cancellation of classes in many schools and the closure of some daycare centers.
  3. Tariffs are a contentious issue in the collective bargaining negotiations, with the unions demanding at least 500 euros per month for a period of twelve months.
  4. Demonstrations in support of the striking public sector employees took place at the Brandenburg Gate, where representatives from various trade unions, including teachers and educators, spoke out against the lack of tariff increases and better working conditions.


