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Seeking Election Aides: Volunteers Show High Dedication

Examining ballot alerts, distributing papers, and tallying ballots are among the roles of poll workers. In Saarland, close to 10,000 volunteers are required for the election on June 9th.

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Upcoming European voting process - Seeking Election Aides: Volunteers Show High Dedication

About two weeks prior to the municipal and European elections, some cities in Saarland are already well-prepared with the essential volunteers for their polling stations on the 9th of June. The state election commission estimates that approx. 10,000 volunteers will be required for this task. Florian Blinn, an employee, mentioned, "The situation seems to have improved a little bit, in my opinion," potentially due to media coverage. Andreas Bittner, the deputy state election commissioner, shared a similar sentiment, referring to the heavy rain in mid-May. The Saarland Association of Cities and Municipalities does not have a comprehensive report on whether certain areas are urgently looking for election helpers.

Saarbrücken's polling stations consist of 123 locations and 70 mail-in voting stations. Each station has an independent election committee comprising a chairperson or chairperson, a deputy, and several advisors. Hannah Zewe, a spokeswoman, said approximately 1,800 voluntary and honorary helpers are needed. "At present, we're still recruiting 250 volunteers for the first round and potential runoff elections, to accommodate absences," said Zewe. The city proactively sought helpers, including through social media posts on all popular platforms. In addition, city staff were encouraged to lend a hand under the banner "Democracy involves getting involved!"

In the district town of Saarlouis, 300 election helpers are needed for the 19 general and 10 mail-in voting districts. With over 80% of these roles filled with regular staff, Sascha Schmidt (the city's spokesman) shared that the remaining positions have been met through party nominees and proactive citizens. Therefore, no advertising is needed. Presently, 5-10 more helpers are desired due to some cancellations. Stockart clarified that this "minor fluctuation" will be managed efficiently.

The City of St. Wendel announced they've filled all 360 election helper positions, ensuring that every chief elections officer is joined by their respective deputies and up to 7 other helpers. Schmidt commented, "The population's enthusiasm to be an election helper seems ample for the smooth execution of the election." Media campaigns and advocacy by local mayors prompted this recruitment.

In Merzig, all 35 Election Assistants, each consisting of 8 members totaling 280 election helpers, have been hired. Timo Stockart, the city's spokesman, revealed that helpers are predominantly chosen from parties' registered members, district and state workers, and the municipality itself. Occasionally, citizens may volunteer, but it's rare.

To become an election helper or election helper, the State Election Commissioner in Saarland indicates only one requirement: the completion of 18 years of age on the voting day. These individuals can earn a "refreshment money" of 25 euros or 35 euros for chairpersons and election committees. However, the amount varies for the 316 municipal council elections in 52 municipalities. The Election Service firmly believes that this service is "a necessary part of our active democracy and our open free-democratic society."

Read also:

  1. Due to the upcoming run-off election in Europe, the need for election helpers in Germany, particularly in the Saarland region, is significant.
  2. In the city of Saarbrücken, which has 123 polling stations and 70 mail-in voting stations, approximately 1,800 volunteers are required, with around 250 still needed for the first round and potential runoff elections.
  3. The municipality of Saarlouis, with 19 general and 10 mail-in voting districts, currently has 300 election helpers, with only a few more needed due to some cancellations.
  4. The City of St. Wendel, with 360 election helper positions filled, has ensured that each chief elections officer is accompanied by their deputy and additional helpers, thanks to media campaigns and advocacy by local mayors.
  5. In Merzig, all 35 Election Assistants, consisting of 280 election helpers, have been hired, with helpers predominantly coming from parties' registered members, district and state workers, and the municipality itself.
  6. Despite the need for election helpers across Germany for the upcoming municipal and European elections, the State Election Commissioner in Saarland only requires volunteers to be at least 18 years old on the voting day to become an election helper, with potential earnings of 25-35 euros.


