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Security authorities remain on alert after attack warnings

Following indications of possible attack plans in Cologne and Bielefeld, the security forces remain on heightened alert ahead of New Year's Eve. In Cologne Cathedral, masses were only held under strict security precautions over Christmas following a threat warning. In this context, three...

Police officers in front of Cologne
Police officers in front of Cologne

Security authorities remain on alert after attack warnings

Following the "danger alert", the Cologne police searched the church with sniffer dogs on Saturday. No explosives were found. The Christmas masses took place in the following days under tightened security measures. Visitors had to undergo checks at the entrance. The church, which is normally visited by many tourists, was closed between masses.

A spokesperson for the Cologne police said on Tuesday that the same procedure was also followed on Boxing Day. It will be clarified on Wednesday whether this procedure will be maintained in the coming days.

According to the Cologne police, the danger warning received related to New Year's Eve. However, the protective measures were brought forward to the Christmas period as a precaution.

The media reported on possible Islamist attack plans. According to these reports, the trail leads to an offshoot of the Islamic State (IS). The Federal Public Prosecutor General's Office would not comment further on the events when asked on Tuesday.

According to media reports, the warnings also concerned Austria and Spain. According to the Austrian news agency APA, several arrests were made in Vienna during an operation against an Islamist network. Three suspects were subsequently remanded in custody on Monday.

According to APA, the two men and one woman were arrested by special police forces in a refugee shelter in Vienna. They are accused of belonging to a radical Islamic terror network that is said to have planned attacks on Cologne Cathedral and St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. All three reportedly denied the allegations.

Austria's Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer thanked the emergency services for their increased deployment over the Christmas holidays. "To those who threaten us, let it be clear: we will not allow our joy and our Christian culture to be jeopardized," he explained.

On Sunday, following the events in Cologne, the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Berlin referred in general to "an increased threat situation in the area of Islamist terrorism". This is being taken "very seriously", "especially since the terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel, the Gaza war and its consequences", said a spokesperson. The federal and state security authorities were therefore acting "with the utmost vigilance".

This was also evident in Bielefeld on Monday. The main railway station there was closed for several hours after a telephone threat of attack and searched with sniffer dogs. This brought rail traffic to a standstill. However, no suspicious objects were found during the search.

The station was reopened in the evening. The Bielefeld police's state security department launched an investigation into "disturbing the public peace by threatening criminal acts".

Read also:

  1. In response to the attack warnings, the Cologne police implemented rigorous security measures during the Christmas masses, which included conducting searches with sniffer dogs and checking visitors at the entrance.
  2. The Cologne Cathedral, a popular tourist attraction, was closed between masses as a precautionary measure due to the terror network threat.
  3. Security authorities in Austria also remained on alert after receiving similar attack warnings, leading to increased deployments of emergency services and multiple arrests in Vienna.
  4. Following the attack warnings, the Police in Bielefeld closed their main railway station for several hours due to a phone threat, resulting in rail traffic disruptions.
  5. The Federal Chancellor of Austria, Karl Nehammer, thanked the emergency services for their increased presence during the holidays and vowed to protect the nation's joy and Christian culture.
  6. Security authorities in Germany described the current situation as an increased threat situation in the area of Islamist terrorism, citing recent terrorist attacks and their consequences as reasons for vigilance.
  7. According to media reports, the Vienna arrests were in relation to a radical Islamic terror network that reportedly had planned attacks on the Cologne Cathedral and St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna.
  8. Despite the security measures and increased presence of police and security forces, there were no explosives or suspicious objects found during the searches at the Cologne Cathedral or the Bielefeld Railway Station.
  9. The police in Cologne and other security authorities continued to maintain heightened alertness and stay vigilant on Wednesday, reviewing their plans for the coming days to ensure the safety of the public.




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