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Schwerin considers appeal to statistics office

Dispute over population figures: Schwerin's mayor Badenschier does not believe the statisticians' census extrapolation.

The lettering "Rathaus" can be seen on the old town hall in Schwerin.
The lettering "Rathaus" can be seen on the old town hall in Schwerin.

Population - Schwerin considers appeal to statistics office

In Schwerin, there is controversy over the result of the new population census, which shows fewer inhabitants than anticipated based on registration data. The state capital intends to file an objection against the census decision with the Statistical Office of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, announced Oberburgermeister Rico Badenschier (SPD) on a Wednesday.

"The discrepancies between the census report results and our own statistical data are not explainable," Badenschier criticized. "Why a statistical method that calculates a 10% sample should be more accurate than a resident registration that counts all people who have registered their residence here, I still don't understand."

Fewer people in MV than anticipated

According to the data collection of the state to the reference date May 15, 2022, there were 96,447 people living in Schwerin. That's 1,328 fewer than previously assumed. For Rostock, the office reportedly identified 61,500 fewer inhabitants than previously thought. In total, according to the census results on the reference date, there were 1,571,239 people living in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. That's 56,217 fewer than previously recorded in the population development.

Consequences for municipalities: funding allocations

Lower population numbers can have significant consequences for municipalities. State funding is often based on population size.

Statistical Office: Methodology scientifically tested

The Statistical Office MV defended its numbers. "The methodology of the 2022 census has been thoroughly scientifically tested," explained the responsible department head Henry Lewerentz. "The Statistical Offices of the Federation and the States have obtained realistic population figures with the 2022 census." This was reportedly done through a sample survey of households, which was then extrapolated, as well as a full survey in nursing homes and communal accommodations.

Possible reason: departure without deregistration

According to the German City League, one possible reason for a population decline according to the census results could be that foreign residents did not deregister when they left Germany. Nationwide, there have been significant discrepancies in the census results regarding the number of foreigners living in Germany.

  1. Oberburgermeister Rico Badenschier (SPD) criticized the census results in Schwerin, stating, "The discrepancies between the census report results and our own statistical data are not explainable."
  2. Lower population numbers can have significant consequences for municipalities, as state funding is often based on population size.
  3. Despite the controversy, the Statistical Office MV defended its numbers, with department head Henry Lewerentz explaining, "The methodology of the 2022 census has been thoroughly scientifically tested."

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