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Schröder as the flag-bearer? Fruit's response: "Cool remark"

Dennis Schröder, a basketball world champion, wants to represent his country by carrying the flag at the upcoming Paris Olympics. A teammate of his is supportive of his endeavor.

Basketball world champion Dennis Schröder would like to carry the German flag at the Olympic Games...
Basketball world champion Dennis Schröder would like to carry the German flag at the Olympic Games in Paris.

Prominent basketball player - Schröder as the flag-bearer? Fruit's response: "Cool remark"

World champion basketball player Andreas Obst is supportive of Dennis Schröder being chosen to represent Germany as the flag bearer for the Olympics.

"His athletic ability is unquestionable. On top of that, it would be a powerful message amidst the unfortunate rise of racism. It would show that Germany is diverse and inclusive," Obst, a 27-year-old player for FC Bayern Munich, stated in an interview with "Sport Bild". Schröder, aged 30, has been vocal about his desire to carry the flag. The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) will pick five women and five men from the Olympic team in February. Afterwards, in July, the chosen individuals will be put to a public vote. The Summer Games in Paris start on July 26 and end on August 11. The German national basketball team will hold a training camp in Munich starting on June 30 in preparation for the Olympics, led by the players who won the World Cup in Manila. This will be the first time all World Cup champions have been together since their historic title in September 2023.

During the Olympics, with twelve teams in total, the German team will compete against Japan (July 27), the victor from the qualifying tournament in Latvia (July 30), and host France (August 2) in Group B.

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