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Sales within the industrial sector decreased during the initial three months of the year.

Poor first-quarter sales for Schleswig-Holstein's industrial companies, with one sector experiencing significant decline.

A plasma cutter cuts parts out of a heavy plate in a steel trade.
A plasma cutter cuts parts out of a heavy plate in a steel trade.

Number Crunching and Analysis - Sales within the industrial sector decreased during the initial three months of the year.

Industrial sales in Schleswig-Holstein witnessed a drop of 5.1% during the initial quarter of this year in comparison to the same time frame last year, as per the Statistikamt Nord's reports. This downfall can mainly be attributed to the declining domestic sales (7.6% decrease). However, there was an uptick in exports to non-Eurozone customers, amounting to a 1.6% increase.

The steepest declines were in the manufacturing of printing products (a 34.6% drop) and the repair/installation of machines (a 17.1% drop). Contrastingly, "Other vehicle manufacturing" experienced a notable rise of 30.1% in sales, while the production of data processing equipment and other electrical equipment observed an increase of 12.8% in the first three months.

The Statistikamt Nord conducted surveys of companies in the processing industry and mining and quarrying with 50 or more employees situated in Schleswig-Holstein. In Q1 of 2024, there were approximately 568 such companies operating in the region.

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