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Sabotage in corn fields: Suspended sentence for farmer

A farmer from Middle Franconia has been given a suspended sentence of one and a half years for acts of sabotage in maize fields. On Thursday, the district court in Nuremberg found him guilty of four counts of damage to property and coercion. In the court's opinion, the 69-year-old had a reduced...

A depiction of the goddess Justice.
A depiction of the goddess Justice.

Agriculture - Sabotage in corn fields: Suspended sentence for farmer

A farmer from Middle Franconia has been given a suspended sentence of one and a half years for acts of sabotage in maize fields. On Thursday, the district court in Nuremberg found him guilty of four counts of damage to property and coercion. In the court's opinion, the 69-year-old had a reduced ability to drive due to dementia, which mitigated the sentence, explained court spokesman Stephan Husemann. The verdict is not yet final.

In 2019, the man had hidden nails, logs and metal parts in fields in Middle Franconia, either alone or together with his younger brother, causing severe damage to maize choppers in some cases.

The case was originally brought before the Neustadt an der Aisch district court. However, the court referred the case against the 69-year-old to the regional court because, in the judge's opinion, the acts of sabotage could have resulted in fatal injuries and therefore a conviction for attempted manslaughter was possible.

However, the district court was unable to establish such intent, said Husemann. However, the motive of the two brothers remained unclear. The accused did not comment on this during the trial.

The sabotage in the maize fields will continue to occupy the district court in Nuremberg in the future. The district court had sentenced the younger brother to a suspended sentence of 14 months. The prosecution and defense appealed against this. However, the defendant is ill and currently not fit to stand trial, said Husemann.

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