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Saarland plans to introduce S-Bahn network by 2026

More attractive public transport and therefore less private transport: this is the goal Saarland's mobility minister wants to achieve. The transport development plan also provides for a suburban rail network.

Railroad - Saarland plans to introduce S-Bahn network by 2026

In Saarland, the current regional rail network is to be expanded into an S-Bahn network with more stops and a 20-minute interval. "More trains, a simpler timetable, better transfer options and more direct connections are possible," said Mobility Minister Petra Berg (SPD) on Tuesday. A study carried out in cooperation with DB Netz had produced corresponding results. The cabinet has now given the green light for the gradual implementation of this sub-project from the transport development plan.

According to the Minister, the S-Bahn network will take local public transport to the next level. The big advantage for users: "You no longer need to have a timetable in your head because there is a train every 20 minutes."

As in metropolitan regions, the use of the previous regional rail network as an S-Bahn network is characterized by a more attractive and clear route at the stops, and the service is also more reliable and more easily timed, making it much more user-friendly.

The first optimizations to the service are already planned for the timetable changes in December 2023 and 2024. By the end of 2026, the 20-minute frequency should then apply to the entire core network between Saarlouis, Saarbrücken, Neunkirchen and Homburg. This rapid implementation is possible because no investment in infrastructure is required. The additional service will be financed by regionalization funds from the federal government.

In a first step, transport experts have calculated a seven percent increase in transport services in the Saar electronic network, with a further 15 percent increase in services by the timetable change at the end of 2026.

"Our aim is to make public transport in Saarland competitive and to be able to reduce private transport as a result," said Berg. Measures such as the fare reform, new fast bus routes and the Germany and Young People's Ticket had already led to a 34 percent increase in passenger numbers.

Saarbahn Saar VV Ministry for the Environment, Climate, Mobility, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Deutschland-Ticket / DB LPK Saar

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