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Saarland pays tribute to EU Commission President Jacques Delors

David Lindemann (SPD), the plenipotentiary for Europe of the Saarland state government, has paid tribute to the late former EU Commission President Jacques Delors. The Frenchman was "a great European, a visionary and an architect of today's European Union", to whom Europe owes a great deal,...

Jacques Delors, the former French President of the European Commission.
Jacques Delors, the former French President of the European Commission.

People - Saarland pays tribute to EU Commission President Jacques Delors

David Lindemann (SPD), the plenipotentiary for Europe of the Saarland state government, has paid tribute to the late former EU Commission President Jacques Delors. The Frenchman was "a great European, a visionary and an architect of today's European Union", to whom Europe owes a great deal, Lindemann announced on Thursday.

Delors had "driven forward essential core building blocks of the modern EU, such as the Schengen Agreement or the Economic and Monetary Union", which paved the way for the euro. "Especially in the Franco-German Saarland, his memory will be honored," Lindemann said. Delors died at the age of 98.

Read also:

  1. As a strong advocate for European unity, the Saarland State government, represented by its SPD plenipotentiary for Europe, David Lindemann, expressed their admiration for Jacques Delors' significant contributions to the formation of the European Union.
  2. Delors' role in the development of critical EU initiatives, such as the Schengen Agreement and the Economic and Monetary Union, has left an indelible mark on Europe and shaped the modern structure of the European Union.
  3. Saarland, with its close ties to France, will hold a special place in honoring the memory of the late EU Commission President, Jacques Delors, who passed away at the age of 98.
  4. The EU, particularly its founding members France and Germany, can draw inspiration from Delors' European vision and legacy as they navigate the complexities of international diplomacy and cooperation within the European Union.




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