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Saar state parliament decides later on emergency situation and budget

The Saarland state parliament will not decide on the declaration of a financial emergency and the double budget for 2024 and 2025 until next Monday at a special session. This was announced by SPD parliamentary group leader Ulrich Commerçon on Tuesday at the start of the budget debate in the...

Members of parliament in the plenary chamber of the Saarland state parliament.
Members of parliament in the plenary chamber of the Saarland state parliament.

Schedule - Saar state parliament decides later on emergency situation and budget

The Saarland state parliament will not decide on the declaration of a financial emergency and the double budget for 2024 and 2025 until next Monday at a special session. This was announced by SPD parliamentary group leader Ulrich Commerçon on Tuesday at the start of the budget debate in the state parliament. The SPD, which is in sole government, had reached an agreement with the opposition CDU on the change to the timetable.

CDU parliamentary group leader Stephan Toscani also said that "repair work" should be carried out on the budget, particularly in light of the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling on the debt brake. He welcomed the postponement of the vote.

Commerçon said that a decision on the double budget for the next two years will be made at a special session of the state parliament next Monday in the third reading. The original plan was to pass it at second reading on Wednesday.

Also at the special session on Monday, a decision is to be made on two motions declaring a financial emergency for the Saarland. This is intended to secure access to a 3 billion euro transformation fund that is largely financed by debt. Originally, a decision on this was to be made on Tuesday (today).

Read also:

The CDU in Saarland supports the SPD's change in the schedule, as they aim to address the budget comprehensively in light of the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling. The double budget for 2024 and 2025 will be decided at a special session of the Saarland state parliament, pushing back the original second reading planned for Wednesday. This special meeting also entails making a decision on two motions declaring a financial emergency for the Saarland, which could provide access to a 3 billion euro transformation fund. Stephan Toscani, the CDU parliamentary group leader, has welcomed this postponement to conduct necessary repairs on the budget.




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