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Russian President Putin offers truce after Kiev declines NATO association

Terms for negotiation sessions

Putin promises ceasefire in return for Kiev renouncing NATO membership
Putin promises ceasefire in return for Kiev renouncing NATO membership

Russian President Putin offers truce after Kiev declines NATO association

The Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, suggests a truce in the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. In exchange for this, Ukraine must stop its pursuit of NATO membership and remove troops from four regions that have been claimed by Moscow.

Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has laid out the requirements for diplomatic discussions with Ukraine. He stated that his nation is prepared to halt the hostilities and move forward with negotiations if Ukrainian military personnel vacate the four eastern territories which have already been incorporated into the Moscow government. In addition, Ukraine would have to forfeit its dreams of joining NATO.

Putin added that Russia would guarantee the secure removal of Ukrainian troops. He made it clear that this proposed peace settlement is not just for a temporary ceasefire, but for fully settling the ongoing conflict. If both Ukraine and the West refuses to accept this latest peace initiative from Russia, the circumstances for a future proposal would alter, and the situation on the front lines would not benefit Ukraine.

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