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Russia: Putin attends G20 summit again after a long break

"Deeply unstable world situation"

Russia: Putin attends G20 summit again after a long
Russia: Putin attends G20 summit again after a long

Russia: Putin attends G20 summit again after a long break

Russian President Vladimir Putin will take part in a summit of the 20 leading industrialized and emerging nations (G20) this Wednesday for the first time after a long absence. At the virtual meeting, Putin will present the Russian view of what he considers to be a "deeply unstable world situation", the government in Moscow explained.

Russian television reported that it would be the first time in a "long time" that both Putin and Western heads of state would take part in an event together.

After the invasion of Ukraine, Western states insisted that Putin be excluded from top international meetings. The International Criminal Court (ICC) also issued an arrest warrant for Putin on suspicion of abducting Ukrainian children. The host of next year's G20 summit, Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, was evasive when asked whether the arrest warrant against Putin would be executed at the planned summit in Rio de Janeiro if Putin were to attend. Most recently, Putin was represented at the G20 summit by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

  1. Despite the Western states' insistence on his exclusion following the Ukraine invasion and the ICC's arrest warrant, Russian President Vladimir Putin will challenge the global community by presenting his perspective on the "deeply unstable world situation" at the upcoming G20 summit.
  2. Expressing his frustration with Putin's attendance, some critics argue that the "break" in Putin's participation at the G-Summit should have continued due to Russia's role in the world situation, particularly regarding the Ukraine invasion.
  3. In light of Putin's attendance at the G20 summit, following a "long break," global leaders are facing a delicate situation in which they must navigate diplomatic tensions and address the "world situation" while respecting Russian perspectives.


