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Rheinsberg and Wittenberge host inviting festivals.

Upcoming events in the northern region of Brandenburg include the Rheinsberg Festival Summer and the Wittenberg Elbland Festival. Both programs will feature renowned artists alongside up-and-coming talents.

Tenor Paul Potts sings New Year's Eve 2022 on Stuttgart's Schlossplatz.
Tenor Paul Potts sings New Year's Eve 2022 on Stuttgart's Schlossplatz.

Music-filled Season - Rheinsberg and Wittenberge host inviting festivals.

Toward the northern Brandenburg, major fests are scheduled for the approaching weeks: Slated for June 22, Festival Sommer der Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg begins. Set at Elbland Festspiele Wittenberge on July 5 and 6, significant interpreters are anticipated to appear, such as the British favorite tenor Paul Potts.

Celebrating the 250th anniversary of Schlosstheater's inauguration this year, Rheinsberg's Festival Summer (Ostprignitz-Ruppin) commences on June 22. According to Music Culture Rheinsberg, American opera singer Vivica Genaux, lovers of humor theater Heiner Take, Angelika Hofstetter, and Josip Culjak are to grace the stage. Prince Henry, a Prussian figure (1726-1802), who initiated the theater circa 1774, will grace the event as a distinguished guest.

Hosting its international young opera singers' festival this year under the theme, "In the Shadow of Troy," this gathering runs until August 31. Scheduled performances comprise an opera gala from June 27 to 29, featuring selections of opera and operetta displayed with the Brandenburg State Orchestra. Expected highlights include Gluck's "Iphigenie in Aulis" and Niccolo Piccinni's "Dido - Queen of Carthage."

The Elbland Festspiele stated in Wittenberge's Alte Ölmühle (Prignitz) from July 5 to 6 occurs under the heading, "Musik am Fluss" (Film Music by the River). The German Film Orchestra Babelsberg, led by Christian Köhler, will narrate well-known movie themes. Moderation for the two evenings rests with TV anchor Kim Fisher.

Enlisted among these performers are British tenor Paul Potts, whose fame originated in a British talent show back in 2007. Potts will be joined by pop and R'n'B performer Cassandra Steen, as well as opera singer Lana Maletic, and vocalist Stefanie Thurmann. Remarkably, Thurmann, a Wittenberg resident, was once an European and World champion in the Sport Pistol realm before her artistic career.

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