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Return to statutory health insurance not unusual

Contributions are rising not only with statutory health insurance providers such as AOK, Barmer or IKK, but also in private health insurance. This is sometimes the reason for returning to statutory health insurance.

Health cards from various health insurance companies lie on a table.
Health cards from various health insurance companies lie on a table.

Return to statutory health insurance not unusual

In Thuringia, several hundred people switch from private health insurance to statutory health insurance every year. This is particularly noticeable among young people, as AOK Plus, Barmer Thüringen and IKK classic reported on request. However, AOK Plus is registering an even higher level of interest in switching among the over-50s than among younger people. In Thuringia, most of the approximately 2.1 million inhabitants have statutory health insurance anyway; private health insurance (PKV) mainly covers the self-employed and civil servants, but also high-earning employees.

According to Barmer, it accepts between 150 and 250 formerly privately insured persons from Thuringia every year. AOK Plus, which is the largest statutory health insurance provider in Thuringia and Saxony with more than three million policyholders, has seen between 3,600 and 6,500 former privately insured people in the age groups from under 24 to over 50 switch to it every year since 2019. According to preliminary figures, there were around 1,200 in the first half of 2023. IKK classic did not provide any figures, but stated that the willingness to switch was greatest in the age group up to 30 years.

Contribution level and family insurance are reasons for switching

According to IKK classic, there are many reasons for switching to statutory health insurance (GKV). "Experience has shown that the level of contributions in private health insurance plays a role, which triggers the desire to switch back to statutory health insurance, especially in the later transition to retirement," the health insurance company said. There have been premium increases for private health insurers in recent years, and they have also been announced for 2024.

According to an AOK spokeswoman, the majority of those returning to AOK Plus up to the age of 24 are insured persons who were covered by their parents' private health insurance as children. From Barmer 's point of view, family insurance, which is possible in statutory health insurance, is often the decisive factor for young people. In statutory health insurance funds, family members of members who pay contributions can be insured free of charge under certain conditions.

Return to statutory health insurance only up to the age of 55

A return from private to statutory health insurance (GKV) is only possible under certain conditions. There is an age limit; those wishing to switch may not yet be 55 years old. In addition, employees who previously had private health insurance may not earn more than the so-called compulsory insurance limit. According to the federal government, this is set at €69,300 gross per year for 2024. According to the consumer advice center, self-employed people may have to give up their self-employment in order to return.

Federal government on the compulsory insurance and income threshold Consumer advice center on switching to statutory health insurance Private health insurance on the development of contributions

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