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Resolutions: Olympic bid, sports reform and women's quota

The delegates at the DOSB General Assembly had a lot to decide in Frankfurt. In addition to resolutions on the Olympic bid and sports reform, they also discussed a women's quota and safe sport.

DOSB President Thomas Weikert speaks at the DOSB General Assembly.
DOSB President Thomas Weikert speaks at the DOSB General Assembly.

DOSB General Assembly - Resolutions: Olympic bid, sports reform and women's quota

At the General Assembly of the German Olympic Sports Confederation(DOSB) on Saturday in Frankfurt/Main, a number of groundbreaking decisions were made that are important for the future. These include two major projects that are set to fundamentally change German sport.

Olympic bid

With the adoption of a "Frankfurt Declaration", the DOSB was given the task of developing a bid concept. This is to be presented in summer 2024. It will summarize the expectations, wishes and criticism of the population collected since July in the surveys, dialogue forums and in the digital sphere. The decision on an Olympic bid is to be made at the next DOSB General Assembly in Saarbrücken in December 2024. Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig and Munich have officially announced their intention to host the Games. Which cities will be considered for a bid - most likely for the 2036 or 2040 Summer Games - will also be decided by mid-2024.

Top-class sport reform

With the approval of the detailed concept for the reform of elite sport funding and management, the go-ahead has been given for implementation. The aim is to halt the downward trend and decline in medal wins at the Olympic Games, World Championships and European Championships. An independent sports agency and a sports promotion law are key elements. The agency should be operational by 2025. The law is expected to be passed by the Bundestag by the end of next year. It is intended to provide reliable funding for competitive sport over longer periods of time and from year to year. The reform is not expected to take effect before the 2032 Olympic Games.

Increase in contributions

For the first time in 16 years, the DOSB will receive more money from its member organizations. From January 1, 2025, their contribution to the umbrella organization will increase from nine cents per membership to 14 cents. This is intended to avert a structural deficit in the DOSB budget due to cost increases and inflation. The Executive Committee's proposal for "appropriate compensation for expenses", which other associations have, was withdrawn. However, a concrete proposal is to be presented next year.

Women's quota

A binding regulation was adopted to ensure that the percentage of men and women delegates to the General Assembly is adhered to. From 2026, each gender must be represented by at least 30% of the delegates of a member organization - otherwise there is a risk of a reduction in voting rights.

Safe Sport plan for the future

The Safe Sport Plan for the Future forms the DOSB's overall strategy for protection against violence in sport and includes goals and measures to be implemented over the next ten years.

New associations

The German Cricket Federation will become the 100th member organization to join the DOSB on 1 January 2024, as will the German Lacrosse Association. Both sports have been included in the competition program for the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. The German associations for American football, baseball and softball as well as squash will be transferred from non-Olympic to Olympic sports next year. These sports will also be on the 2028 Summer Games program.

Read also:

  1. The cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Munich have officially announced their intention to bid for the Summer Olympic Games in either 2036 or 2040 after the DOSB General Assembly in Saarbrücken in December 2024.
  2. At the DOSB General Assembly in Frankfurt/Main, a decision was made to increase the contribution of member organizations from nine cents to 14 cents per membership starting from January 1, 2025.
  3. The German Cricket Federation and the German Lacrosse Association will join the DOSB as member organizations on January 1, 2024, and their sports will be included in the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
  4. The detailed concept for the reform of elite sport funding and management, which aims to halt the downward trend in medal wins at the Olympic Games, World Championships, and European Championships, was approved at the DOSB General Assembly in Frankfurt/Main.
  5. Thomas Weikert, the president of the German Olympic Sports Federation, emphasized the importance of women's participation in sports and announced a binding regulation to ensure at least 30% representation of men and women delegates at the General Assembly from 2026.
  6. The Safe Sport Plan for the Future was adopted as the DOSB's overall strategy to protect against violence in sports and includes goals and measures to be implemented over the next ten years.
  7. The German associations for American football, baseball, and softball, as well as squash, will be transferred from non-Olympic to Olympic sports in 2023 and will be included in the 2028 Summer Games program.
  8. The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) adopted the "Frankfurt Declaration" at its General Assembly in Frankfurt/Main, which sets the task of developing a bid concept for the Olympic Games in 2024, with the final decision to be made at the next DOSB General Assembly in Saarbrücken in December 2024.




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