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Report: Corruption trial against Netanyahu continues

A war is raging in the Gaza Strip, but the Israeli head of government has to stand trial again. The corruption trial against Netanyahu has been running for more than three years and is now continuing.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has to stand trial again.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has to stand trial again.

Israel - Report: Corruption trial against Netanyahu continues

The corruption trial against Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will continue after a break, according to a media report. The trial will resume today at a district court in Jerusalem, reported the Times of Israel. The trial - like all non-urgent court proceedings - was temporarily suspended following the Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7. However, a corresponding order expired last week.

The corruption trial against Netanyahu has been running for more than three years. Israel's head of government is accused, among other things, of having granted benefits to the telecoms giant Bezeq as communications minister. In return, the media outlet "Walla", which belongs to the company, is said to have reported positively about him. He is also alleged to have offered to weaken the critical newspaper publisher Arnon Moses in return for positive coverage of his rival paper.

Netanyahu is also accused of accepting luxury gifts worth around 700,000 shekels (around 174,000 euros) - jewelry, cigars and pink champagne - from billionaire friends. According to the indictment, in return for the gifts Netanyahu is said to have lobbied for the extension of a law that would have saved Israeli Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan millions in taxes. In the past, Netanyahu has always rejected all accusations and spoken of a "witch hunt".

According to Israeli media reports, Netanyahu could be called to testify in the trial in a few months' time.

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