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Rents in Lower Saxony comparatively low

In a nationwide comparison, average rents in Lower Saxony are rather low. However, there are significant differences between the major cities in the state.

Residential buildings on Bontekai.
Residential buildings on Bontekai.

Living - Rents in Lower Saxony comparatively low

Renting an apartment in Niedersachsen is relatively cheap compared to the nationwide average. According to the census 2022, the average net cold rent for apartments in the state was determined to be 6.56 Euro per square meter, in comparison to 7.28 Euro per square meter nationwide. The State Statistical Office announced this on a Wednesday.

Particularly high rents, according to the data, were in comparison to the major cities in Niedersachsen in Göttingen. There, 8.38 Euro per square meter were demanded. Other major cities such as Braunschweig (7.27 Euro), the state capital Hannover (7.61 Euro), Osnabrück (7.30 Euro) and Oldenburg (7.79 Euro) also exceeded the state average. However, the average rent on May 15, 2022 in Salzgitter was the lowest with 5.60 Euro per square meter.

With the census, a new data basis was obtained for the population, but also for buildings and housing situations, demography, as well as education and employment of the people in Germany. In Niedersachsen, around 800,000 people took part in a household survey, as well as 2.5 million property owners and around 650 housing companies in a building and housing census.

  1. In contrast to the state average, Hannover, one of Niedersachsen's major cities, has a higher rent for rented apartments, at 7.61 Euro per square meter.
  2. Comparatively, the rent for a rented apartment in Salzgitter, also located in Niedersachsen, is significantly lower at 5.60 Euro per square meter, as revealed in the census conducted in 2022.
  3. The census data also indicated that Göttingen, another major city in Lower Saxony, demands the highest rent for apartments among the major cities surveyed, at 8.38 Euro per square meter.
  4. While rents in most major cities in Lower Saxony, such as Braunschweig, Hanover, Osnabrück, and Oldenburg, were higher than the state average, these cities still had lower rents in comparison to the state of Göttingen.

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