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Reinhard Mey's Images of Ukraine Leave Him Heartbroken

The artist's accounts of Ukraine strike familiar chords for him, transporting him back to his youth in Berlin during WWII and the profound impact of nightly air raids.

The singer Reinhard Mey.
The singer Reinhard Mey.

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Reinhard Mey, a singer-songwriter, feels a connection to the ongoing war in Ukraine as it reminds him of his own childhood during World War II. Born in 1942, he has experienced the fear and horror of war firsthand. Memories of air raids, hunger, and cold have stayed with him. The despair and helplessness he witnessed have left a lasting impression.

When he talks about his memories, he describes how his mother hurried him into an air raid shelter during bombings. He recounts the image of hurt, broken people returning from the war. Seeing the destruction in Ukraine, especially the burnt-out cities, triggers these recollections. The pain and anguish that he lived through as a child is somehow resurfacing. The images of the conflict are like a knife to his heart.

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