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Regional church in Baden wants massive expansion of photovoltaics

Climate neutrality is not just a matter for politicians. Churches also have their own plans. And their implementation should soon be visible in prominent places.

Energy - Regional church in Baden wants massive expansion of photovoltaics

Something is to be done on buildings in the Protestant regional church in Baden in the new year: The implementation of a photovoltaic offensive is planned from 2024. The state synod decided this at its fall meeting. Basically, a photovoltaic system is to be installed on the roof wherever possible and sensible. "We have these wonderfully large roof areas," said regional bishop Heike Springhart recently. The regional church's goal is to be climate-neutral by 2040. A realistic target in Springhart's view.

According to the plans, a church-owned operating company set up especially for this purpose will conclude a service contract with the church's energy company KSE and install and operate the photovoltaic (PV) systems. The parishes can then lease their roofs to the church-owned limited company. This model is intended to ease the financial and organizational burden on the parishes.

Monument protection should also rarely stand in the way of the installation of solar systems. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Regional Development and Housing issued new guidelines in 2022 and amended them again in April 2023. "The monument-related concerns are now being given greater priority in order to enable even more PV systems. The process has also been accelerated."

Similar plans to those of the Baden regional church exist in Württemberg and, on the Catholic side, in the Archdiocese of Freiburg and the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart. In addition to the prominent church buildings, the focus is on the churches' administrative buildings, daycare centers and community centers - provided they are suitable for PV.

In view of climate change and the energy transition, the issue of heating in large church buildings is particularly challenging, said the regional bishop. Even after the experience of the energy-saving winter of 2022/23, the regional church wants to focus more on close-to-body solutions such as bench covers.

Regional church on the topic Information on the resolution of the regional synod Information on monument protection Evangelical Church of Württemberg on the topic Archdiocese of Freiburg on the topic Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart on the topic

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