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Putin pledges truce towards Kiev if they reject NATO allegiance and autonomy claims

Prerequisites for peace negotiations

Vladimir Putin has a clear idea of how to end the war in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin has a clear idea of how to end the war in Ukraine.

Putin pledges truce towards Kiev if they reject NATO allegiance and autonomy claims

Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, proposes a weapons truce in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine. To achieve this, Kiev's government should abandon their plans for joining NATO and pull back their troops from four regions - Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhia. Putin asserts that this process can be fast-tracked if these steps are taken.

The Russian leader makes his conditions clear for potential peace talks with Ukraine. If Ukrainian soldiers leave the four eastern regions that Russia has already claimed, and their government renounces any ambitions toward joining NATO, Russia will instantly halt the hostilities and initiate negotiations.

During a meeting with diplomats in Moscow, Putin shared his proposition. He emphasized that this peace plan doesn't involve a temporary ceasefire, but rather a total cessation of violence. If Ukraine and the West fail to accept Russia's newest proposal, the landscape of the conflict will not favor Ukraine.

Additionally, Putin has expressed his commitment to ensuring a secure withdrawal for Ukrainian troops from the occupied regions. This indicates that Russia is genuinely interested in finding a peaceful resolution to the ongoing territorial dispute.

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