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Putin's massive disinformation campaign in France is bearing fruit.
Putin's massive disinformation campaign in France is bearing fruit.

Putin is the secret winner in Paris

In France, the campaigning continues. The good results for the Right-wing populists of the RN, however, show who has already won: Russia's President Putin.

Jordan Bardella still has reasons to worry. Although his party, Rassemblement National (RN), won the first round of elections in France with 29.2% of the votes, only if the Right-wing populists obtain an absolute majority in the second round, President Emmanuel Macron will have to name Bardella as the Prime Minister. While Paris is still undecided until the coming Sunday, Putin, thousands of kilometers away, is already rubbing his hands: Putin might have watched the Kreml elections with satisfaction. Putin can already pop the champagne corks - his massive disinformation campaign in France is bearing fruit. The political division in the second largest member state of the European Union has never been greater.

The alleged presence of French ground troops in Ukraine, a supposed assassination plot against Macron in Kiev, rumors about Macron's wife: Russian Troll-networks let the imagination run wild when it comes to discrediting the French government. The originators of such campaigns are hard to trace. The Elysée Palace is constantly trying to refute the false claims. The Russian Trolls are constantly devising new strategies. Millions of users are being flooded with propaganda again and again. Disinformation spreads connections, doubts are sown, discord is fanned: Putin is conducting a dangerous information war in Europe in parallel to the invasion in Ukraine.

In the dissemination of disinformation, Putin is not only helped by the online trolls, but also by his friends in Paris. Several RN politicians are known Putin fans, although the Right-wing populists in the campaign deny their connections. An investigation report of the National Assembly last year came to the conclusion that the Right-wing populists are the "transmission belt" of the Moscow regime in Paris. Shortly afterwards, Marine Le Pen, the Stick-wielder of the RN, denied the allegations. At the same time, she said that Putin had his country "admirably" restored and "brought it back to the concert of nations". Le Pen, the Putin admirer, wants to be the next President of France in 2027. Practically for Putin: If Le Pen wins, he would even have a spokesperson in the Elysée Palace.

Support for Ukraine falters in France

Regarding Putin's war campaign, Bardella has been more cautious in recent weeks - also to avoid scaring moderate voters. Suddenly, Bardella is declaring that he wants to support Ukraine fundamentally. He, however, considers the delivery of long-range rockets and the sending of French ground troops to Ukraine as the "red line". This sounds relatively harmless, but it should be noted. Unconditional support for Ukraine, which President Macron is demanding, is rejected by the RN. The support for Ukraine is faltering - another success for Putin.

If he becomes Premier Minister, Bardella cannot only shield Putin's interests in Paris. He could also cause chaos on the EU level. Since Bardella would likely appoint French ministers who consult with their European counterparts on actions against Russia, the balance of power in the EU council would shift towards the right-wing extremists. They could make common cause with like-minded parties in Hungary and Slovakia. In general, the RN has set the weakening of the EU as its goal. If the EU loses significance, the winner will be Putin.

Regardless of how the second round of voting in Paris turns out, there are already enough reasons to celebrate in Moscow. Russian propaganda will continue to be spread online, right-wing populists are on the march, and voters are war-weary. Putin can only curb this trend with a policy that appeals to RN voters once again.

  1. Despite Emmanuel Macron's efforts in France, Vladimir Putin appears to be celebrating the success of Russia's Right-wing populists, the Rassemblement National (RN), led by Jordan Bardella.
  2. The Kremlin might have taken satisfaction in Putin's disinformation campaign in France, as political division within France and the EU has never been more pronounced.
  3. Marine Le Pen, a Putin admirer, has expressed her admiration for Putin restoring Russia and bringing it back to the 'concert of nations', aspiring to be France's next President in 2027.
  4. Bardella, as potential Prime Minister, could work to protect Putin's interests in Paris and cause chaos on the EU level by shifting power in the EU council towards right-wing extremists.
  5. Putin can enjoy his continued propaganda spread online and the rise of right-wing populists in France, while voters' support for Ukraine falters, potentially weakening the EU and benefiting Putin.

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