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"Putin expresses readiness for inquiries on the demise of AFP journalist, Arman Soldin."

Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his readiness to probe into the events leading to the demise of AFP journalist Arman Soldin in Ukraine. In a gathering with media personnel from various foreign news agencies, like AFP, in St. Petersburg on June 2, he asserted, "We'll do our utmost...

AFP journalist Arman Soldin in March 2022
AFP journalist Arman Soldin in March 2022

"Putin expresses readiness for inquiries on the demise of AFP journalist, Arman Soldin."

Ready to move forward, but uncertain about the practical outcome, Putin quickly added, "However, he perished in a war zone." Russia previously declared that they cannot examine Arman Soldin's case, as it occurred in territory under Ukraine's control. "It might be essential to consult Ukrainians earlier," Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin spokesman, commented.

The video journalist Soldin lost his life on May 9, 2023, at the age of 32, in a rocket attack near the contentious Ukrainian city of Bachmut. At the time, he was covering Ukrainian soldiers' whereabouts close to the front lines. During that period, the city of Bachmut experienced intense conflicts in eastern Ukraine and eventually fell under Russian control in May 2023, after several months of fighting. French authorities launched an investigation into potential war crimes.

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