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Professionals caution against using ecstasy to treat stress-related conditions.

Inefficient approach chosen.

Ecstasy tablets have many effects, but they are obviously not useful as a remedy for stress...
Ecstasy tablets have many effects, but they are obviously not useful as a remedy for stress disorders.

Ecstasy, commonly known as a recreational drug, is being considered for medical use in treating post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) by an American company. However, the experts aren't in favor of this approach.

During a meeting held by the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) expert panel, 9 out of 11 professionals didn't agree with the method that incorporates MDMA (Ecstasy) in PTSD treatment. They voted against its potential effectiveness.

The committee also raised concerns over whether the benefits outweigh the risks, with a vote of 10 to 1. A few experts even thought the timing of its introduction was too soon.

The FDA usually follows the opinion of their committees in approving new medicines and therapies, but the decision is not binding.

MDMA, a psychoactive compound, is infamous for causing a feeling of euphoria and social connection. However, it can also lead to complications such as anxiety disorders, heart palpitations, and even death due to increased body temperature and dehydration.

Risk of Abuse

The panel expressed concerns about the potential for abuse of the Lykos Therapeutics' drug, which is derived from MDMA. Although it has shown some promising results in overcoming PTSD caused by war experiences or sexual abuse, there were fears that it could be abused due to its illegal status in the US and Germany.

Moreover, it was mentioned that objectively, it was hard to evaluate the efficacy of MDMA as it heavily affected the person's consciousness. While subjects should ideally not be able to differentiate between taking the drug or a placebo, the MDMA's effect on the mind made it evident to most that they received the experimental substance.

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