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Prisons: Thousands of cell phones and many kilos of drugs found

In prisons, cell phones and, of course, drugs are forbidden to inmates. At the same time, both are highly coveted. It is almost impossible to prevent them from being smuggled in.

A prison officer walks past cell doors in Moabit Prison.
A prison officer walks past cell doors in Moabit Prison.

Justice - Prisons: Thousands of cell phones and many kilos of drugs found

Once again this year, more than a thousand banned cell phones and several kilograms of drugs have been found in Berlin prisons. By the end of September, 1077 cell phones had been found, most of them in the Plötzensee and Moabit prisons, as the Senate Justice Administration responded to a question from the Green Party.

More than eight kilograms of cannabis, mainly marijuana, were discovered by prison officers during their checks. There were also around 260 grams of cocaine, several hundred grams of various stimulants and some heroin. The figures were slightly higher in 2022 and slightly lower in 2021.

Visitors or other people are rarely caught smuggling in drugs or cell phones. Since 2021, there have been 45 known cases of relatives or friends trying to smuggle drugs in, it was reported. Drugs were discovered 107 times in letters or other mail. Police and customs sniffer dogs were deployed around 50 times a year, and in 35 of these almost 150 searches they found drugs.

Otherwise, visitors, cells, vehicles and mail are searched, also with the aid of electronic probes, metal detector frames and X-ray equipment. Prison yards and other areas are searched. "A drug detection device is available for quick analysis by swabbing with a test strip."

Instead of sniffer dogs, the Greens called for more money for help for drug users and addicts. "According to the budget, the government wants to spend around 50,000 euros on the purchase and maintenance of sniffer dogs for prisons over the next two years," explained legal policy spokesperson Petra Vandrey. Whether the 35 drugs found by dogs justify the purchase is "doubtful". It would be better to "expand addiction and prevention work in prisons" and provide clean syringes, substitute substances and therapy for those affected.

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