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Prime Minister celebrates Christmas in Upper Lusatia

Traditionally, the Kretschmers serve roast goose at Christmas. But not everyone eats roast goose anymore - some of the family now prefer vegetarian food.

Michael Kretschmer, Minister President of Saxony, sits in his office in the State
Michael Kretschmer, Minister President of Saxony, sits in his office in the State Chancellery.

Holiday traditions - Prime Minister celebrates Christmas in Upper Lusatia

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer celebrates Christmas Eve with his family in Upper Lusatia. The native of Görlitz has renovated a historic Umgebindehaus there - before Christmas, it is traditionally decorated with Herrnhut stars from the region. "I love this Christmas time, the time with my family," says the CDU politician.

As every year, Kretschmer has a cooking contest with his mother-in-law - he roasts a goose that he gets himself from Hofgut Kaltenbach. The roast is then served on Christmas Day. The family decides which goose will win the race. However, not all family members eat the traditional Christmas roast: "Some of the family are vegetarian," reveals Kretschmer. Nevertheless, the head of government does not want to give up his roast goose for the holidays. "I make my goose. And I know that everyone loves that wonderful smell."

On Christmas Eve, he goes to the church service in the afternoon. "As a youngster, I took part in the nativity play myself. Maybe our boys will do the same soon."

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