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President of the association: Rescuing "Säntis" is technically feasible

Remarking on the end of the project, Silvan Paganini, the President of the Ship Salvage Association, stated that it is still technically possible to salvage the historic steamship "Säntis" from the depths of Lake Constance. He asked on Monday in Romanshorn (Switzerland), wondering if they have...

Der Präsident des Schiffsbergevereins, Silvan Paganini, hält ein Modell des 1933 im Bodensee...
Der Präsident des Schiffsbergevereins, Silvan Paganini, hält ein Modell des 1933 im Bodensee versenkten Dampfschiffs "Säntis" in der Werft der Schweizerischen Bodensee-Schifffahrt in der Hand.

Transporting goods by sea. - President of the association: Rescuing "Säntis" is technically feasible

Numerous hours and a significant portion of the financial resources have been dedicated to the two salvage efforts. For Paganini, the project is no longer viable. "I can't continue to invest myself in this endeavor," he stated. On the off chance that a significant benefactor emerges, we can discuss all options. Theoretically, the salvage is feasible.

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