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Preliminary decision on Reichsbürger trial in the first half of the year

The Frankfurt Higher Regional Court plans to rule on the Reichsbürger trial in the first half of 2024. The case is currently in so-called interim proceedings. The court must first decide whether the indictment will be admitted. According to current planning, this decision "should be made in the...

Police forces run to the Waidmannsheil hunting lodge.
Police forces run to the Waidmannsheil hunting lodge.

Extremism - Preliminary decision on Reichsbürger trial in the first half of the year

The Frankfurt Higher Regional Court plans to rule on the Reichsbürger trial in the first half of 2024. The case is currently in so-called interim proceedings. The court must first decide whether the indictment will be admitted. According to current planning, this decision "should be made in the first half of 2024", the Higher Regional Court announced on Wednesday. According to the latest information from the court, there are ten defendants in Frankfurt.

At the beginning of December, the federal prosecutor's office filed more than two dozen indictments. Among other things, it accuses the suspects of membership and support of a terrorist organization. The suspects are alleged to have planned to overthrow the political system in Germany. They had deliberately accepted deaths. They had already worked out the outlines of structures for their own state order.

The proceedings are to be conducted before the higher regional courts in Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart. In Frankfurt, it is primarily the alleged ringleaders who are to be charged, in Stuttgart the military arm and in Munich the other alleged members.

In December 2022, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office had 25 men and women arrested. These included an AfD member of the Bundestag and a soldier from the Special Forces Command of the Bundeswehr. Businessman Heinrich XIII Prince Reuß, who was arrested in Frankfurt, is considered the ringleader.

Read also:

  1. The preliminary decision on the admission of the indictment in the Reichsbürger trial, currently in interim proceedings at the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court, is expected to be made by the court in the first half of 2024, as announced by the court on Wednesday.
  2. The federal prosecutor's office, based in Frankfurt on the Main, filed over two dozen indictments against ten defendants based in Frankfurt in early December 2022.
  3. The Reichsbürger trial will be conducted before higher regional courts in Munich, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart, with the alleged ringleaders facing charges in Frankfurt, the military arm in Stuttgart, and other members in Munich.
  4. Among those arrested in December 2022 were an AfD member of the Bundestag, a soldier from the Special Forces Command of the Bundeswehr, and Heinrich XIII Prince Reuß, who is considered the ringleader of the extremist group.
  5. The Higher Regional Court in Hesse, Germany, has jurisdiction over the entire Reichsbürger trial, which involves accusations of membership and support of a terrorist organization planning to overthrow the political system in Germany.
  6. After reviewing the case, the Higher Regional Court in Munich, as part of the higher regional courts, will also rule on charges related to terrorism, extremism, and criminality within the Reichsbürger movement.




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