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Pope Francis calls for international agreement on the use of AI

Pope Francis is calling for an international agreement on the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI). The 86-year-old head of the Church made the call in a message for the Catholic World Day of Peace on January 1, which the Vatican published on Thursday. In it, the Pope focuses on...


Pope Francis calls for international agreement on the use of AI

AlthoughFrancis points to the great scientific and technological progress made by AI, he also warns of the risks: The new information technology brings with it possibilities, "some of which could pose a risk to our survival and a danger to our common home".

For example, the Pope warns against the misuse of artificial intelligence in disinformation campaigns and interference in electoral processes. He also considers it problematic to use AI in decision-making processes, for example in the use of autonomous weapons systems. "In the search for absolute freedom, we run the risk of falling into the spiral of a technological dictatorship," warns the Pope.

Furthermore, the developers of algorithms and digital technologies cannot be expected to act "ethically and responsibly", Francis emphasizes. The Pope therefore calls for a "binding" international agreement. Technical developments "that do not lead to an improvement in the quality of life of humanity as a whole, but on the contrary exacerbate inequalities and conflicts" are not "real progress".

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