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Police want to improve security at train stations

The Federal Police want to improve security at the main railway stations in northern Germany by deploying more officers and carrying out checks. The deployment of additional uniformed and civilian police officers at the stations in Hamburg, Hanover and Bremen is intended to deter potential...

Crime - Police want to improve security at train stations

The Federal Police want to improve security at the main railway stations in northern Germany by deploying more officers and carrying out checks. The deployment of additional uniformed and civilian police officers at the stations in Hamburg, Hanover and Bremen is intended to deter potential criminals and violent criminals, the Hanover Federal Police Directorate announced on Thursday.

The aim is to increase the sense of security among travelers, station visitors and employees of station stores. According to the information provided, the measures are to be dovetailed with the existing weapons ban checks in the main railway stations.

The Federal Police are working closely with the state police and DB Security in all three main stations, explained Michael Schuol, President of the Federal Police Directorate in Hanover. "By joining forces, we can take more efficient action against violent assaults and harassment."

The Federal Police urged travelers to contact security staff or the police in the event of suspicious behavior or incidents. "Your information is crucial to improving the security situation at the main stations in northern Germany," the statement said.

PM Federal Police Headquarters Hanover

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