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Police: Vehicle to make heavy goods vehicle checks easier

Checking heavy goods vehicles is to become easier. The police are getting a new vehicle for this purpose. Initially, only one was presented.

Sabine Sütterlin-Waack speaks at a press conference in the State House.
Sabine Sütterlin-Waack speaks at a press conference in the State House.

Novelty - Police: Vehicle to make heavy goods vehicle checks easier

Interior Minister Sabine Sütterlin-Waack and the state police have presented a new vehicle to increase heavy goods vehicle checks. It is modern, ergonomically designed and corresponds to the latest state of the art, said the CDU politician in Kiel on Wednesday.

It can be used to check the driver's driving and rest times, the load and weight of his vehicle as well as compliance with the dimensions and the technical condition of the vehicle. The new inspection vehicles will primarily be used on freeways and multi-lane federal highways.

The newly presented vehicle is the first of seven and will be used in the Pinneberg district in future. The other vehicles will be put into service with other police authorities in the coming year.

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