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Pistorius vows to provide additional firearms to Ukraine.

Germany gears its military support for Ukraine towards air defense equipment while simultaneously planning to dispatch additional weaponry in the near future.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj and Defense Minister Boris Pistorius inform themselves...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj and Defense Minister Boris Pistorius inform themselves about the training of Ukrainian soldiers on the "Patriot" anti-aircraft missile system at a military training area.

Military assistance is provided. - Pistorius vows to provide additional firearms to Ukraine.

The German Defense Minister, Boris Pistorius (SPD), has guaranteed that Ukraine will receive more weapons; specifically, handguns and sniper rifles. This announcement was made during a joint trip with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at a Mecklenburg-Vorpommern military training site where Ukrainian troops are currently being taught how to operate the Patriot air defense system. Other forms of support include assistance for anti-tank weaponry, materials for producing artillery ammunition, and aid in the realms of drones and drone defense.

100 additional Patriot missiles to be furnished

As part of a cooperative effort between Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway, an extra 100 Patriot missiles will be dispatched. So far, 32 missiles have been sent, and the remaining 68 are scheduled to arrive in the near future. Notably, Pistorius had previously declared a humanitarian package valued at nearly 500 million euros two weeks prior. This package's contents include self-propelled howitzers, 350 drone systems, 300 artillery barrels, and vital ammunition for air defense.

President Zelensky thanks for aid and decorates select soldiers

President Zelensky expresses his gratitude for Germany's assistance during the same visit. He bestows awards and medals upon some of the Ukrainian soldiers present at the event, all of whom have seen combat during the war. The majority of the trainees originate from regions in Ukraine that are currently under occupation. "You are driven to learn swiftly, go back home, and secure victory," said Zelensky, who arrived at the location by helicopter from Berlin. There, he had participated in an international conference for Ukraine's reconstruction and then addressed the German parliament.

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