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Part of the Sternbrücken Clubs moves to the Deichtorhallen

Due to the planned construction of the new Sternbrücke bridge on the edge of Hamburg's Schanzenviertel district, some of the clubs located underneath are moving to the Deichtorhallen at the main railway station. The Beat Boutique, Fundbureau and Bar 227 have found suitable locations in the...

Andreas Dressel, Hamburg's Senator for Finance and chief negotiator for the federal states.
Andreas Dressel, Hamburg's Senator for Finance and chief negotiator for the federal states.

Hospitality industry - Part of the Sternbrücken Clubs moves to the Deichtorhallen

Due to the planned construction of the new Sternbrücke bridge on the edge of Hamburg's Schanzenviertel district, some of the clubs located underneath are moving to the Deichtorhallen at the main railway station. The Beat Boutique, Fundbureau and Bar 227 have found suitable locations in the casemates behind the Deichtorhallen with the support of Sprinkenhof, which belongs to the Hamburg Finance Authority, announced Finance Senator Andreas Dressel (SPD) on Friday. Beat Boutique and Fundbureau are to move to the casemates under the railroad tracks as early as next spring. Bar 227 is not due to move into its new location until mid-2025.

The trendy stores Waagenbau and Astra-Stuben, which are also affected by the planned demolition of Sternbrücke, have also been offered a move there, but this was not an option for them. They would continue to be supported in their search for an alternative location, it was said.

The ageing Sternbrücke bridge at the Max-Brauer-Allee/Stresemannstraße junction is to be replaced by a new building costing around 125 million euros, as it is no longer suitable for refurbishment according to Deutsche Bahn. This will also require the demolition of five houses in the vicinity of the bridge. The project is controversial. Local residents also consider the new building to be oversized.

According to Dressel, the casemates behind the Deichtorhallen are to become a new, colorful cultural mile in the long term. "The casemates are an exciting location and, as a bridge between the Deichtorhallen, Oberhafenquartier and HafenCity, offer great opportunities as a cultural and trendy area," he said.

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