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Paris: G7 nations reach consensus to finance Ukraine with 50 billion dollars by year's end 2024.

Information from Paris shares that G7 nations have consented to lend Ukraine 50 billion US dollars (equivalent to around 46.5 billion euros) prior to their summit in Italy, starting on Thursday. The French presidency confirmed the agreement on Wednesday, stating, "There is a consensus." The...

G7 summit preparations in Italy
G7 summit preparations in Italy

Paris: G7 nations reach consensus to finance Ukraine with 50 billion dollars by year's end 2024.

As reported by the Elysee Palace, the notion stems from an "American proposal." In the event that the confiscated Russian resources are rendered accessible or the returns from these assets cannot cover the cost of the loan, we will need to ponder how to distribute the financial strain.

Before, Jake Sullivan, the spokesperson for the US National Security Council, revealed that there will be "unanimous consent among the G7 to employ these frozen assets to aid Ukraine's reconstruction."

The G7 meeting, which summarizes the seven principal industrialized nations, commences on Thursday at Borgo Egnazia's location in Italy. In the afternoon, aid for Ukraine will take center stage, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky partaking in the discussions. Zelensky convened in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday evening, where he conferred with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on the approaching Ukraine peace negotiation scheduled for the weekend in Switzerland.

Additionally, Zelensky and US President Joe Biden anticipate signing a bipartisan security accord between their nations at the G7 conference's margins. The agreement, as per US declarations, encompasses military aid and backing for Ukraine, yet no deployment of American troops. It bears resemblance to the bipartisan accords that Ukraine has previously sealed with eighteen other countries.

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