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Over 35,000 people attended Bundeswehr Day.

The border region between Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt will be transformed into a key air force site, commended by Inspector General Breuer for its collaborative efforts.

A Sikorsky CH-53 transport helicopter.
A Sikorsky CH-53 transport helicopter.

Holzdorf airfield - Over 35,000 people attended Bundeswehr Day.

About 36,000 people flocked to the military airfield of Schönewalde/Holzdorf, located on the boundary of Brandenburg and Sachsen-Anhalt, to attend the Bundeswehr event. A representative from the Luftwaffe expressed their delight at the turnout on Saturday. This site will eventually become one of the key Luftwaffe bases in Germany. The visitors were treated to flight displays and were able to witness the latest F-35 combat vessel, among other things.

In addition to Bundeswehr General Inspector Carsten Breuer, the Minister President of Sachsen-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff (CDU), and Dietmar Woidke (SPD), the Minister President of Brandenburg, were also present. Breuer commended the collaboration between the federal states and the Bundeswehr, stating, "As the highest-ranking military officer in Germany, I'd like to express my gratitude to the politicians and administration representatives from both federal states. I believe this close alignment between the military and civilian sectors signifies the interlocking of the two in the current century."

The military airfield is expected to transform into one of the most significant Luftwaffe bases in the country. The federal government intends to procure the Arrow 3 air defense system from Israel to render incoming rockets ineffective at high altitudes. Holzdorf will also serve as the site for 47 of the 60 new heavy transport helicopters in the Bundeswehr's fleet. In connection with the Day of the Bundeswehr, researchers opened nine military installations across Germany to the public.

For further details on the Bundeswehr's open day in Holzdorf.

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