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Over 260 creative individuals gathered at a school theater event in Halberstadt.

School theater groups in Saxony-Anhalt with titles like "Krach," "Flying Classroom 2.0," and "Last Dandelion" will gather in Halberstadt from Wednesday to discuss their latest plays. The event, organized by the Saxony-Anhalt State Center for Independent Theater, features 16 groups hailing from...

A sign with the inscription "Ihr Theater im Harz" ("Your theater in the Harz Mountains") stands in...
A sign with the inscription "Ihr Theater im Harz" ("Your theater in the Harz Mountains") stands in front of the Nordharzer Städtebundtheater.

Drama Performance - Over 260 creative individuals gathered at a school theater event in Halberstadt.

During the Schülertheatertreffen, our objective is to showcase the exceptional talent of young theater artists from Sachsen-Anhalt on the main stage, stated project leader Christiane Böhm. It's not just about showcasing their work, but also fostering a constructive environment for collaboration through workshops and discussion sessions. The goal is to inspire these artists and see them apply what they've learned back in their schools and theater groups.

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