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Osnabrück's Mayor Sees Bishop's Arrival in "Troubled Period"

The Chairperson of Germany's Bishops' Gathering deems the appointment of Dominicus Meier as Osnabrück's fresh Bishop as a laudable choice. Politicians hold certain expectations.

Osnabrücker Dom.
Osnabrücker Dom.

Private information - Osnabrück's Mayor Sees Bishop's Arrival in "Troubled Period"

Katharina Pötter, the mayor of Osnabrück, is hoping that Dominicus Meier's election as the new bishop of Osnabrück will breathe new life into the Catholic Church. Meier, a 64-year-old former auxiliary bishop of Paderborn, is arriving in a time of crisis for the Catholic Church when many faithful in Germany have become disillusioned with the ecclesiastical institution. The church in Osnabrück has also experienced a decline in its membership. "We need bridge builders, and I'm confident that Bishop Meier is one of them," said Pötter, a CDU politician.

Georg Bätzing, the head of the German Bishops' Conference, praised the appointment of Meier as an outstanding choice by those involved. Bätzing believes Meier will be a bishop who "reaches out to people, aids seekers, provides answers to inquirers, and boosts the morale of the unsure," as per the church statement.

Meier will be replacing Franz-Josef Bode, who resigned on March 25, 2023. Bode stepped down due to errors in his handling of sexual abuse cases during his 27-year tenure in the diocese. He became the first German bishop to leave his position in relation to the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.

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